For the past year and a half, the RiverArts board and staff have been doing the work so that we, as an organization, can meet the needs of our community be known for equitable and inclusive programming. River Arts wants to hear from you. What can we do differently so that our programs are more welcoming and inclusive? Help us learn more by writing a Love Letter to River Arts this February.
Read MoreThe Listening Outside the Lines project is a hard one to describe without witnessing it. This is the first time that River Arts has attempted to present a multimedia presentation. Oral histories use the QR technology to share audio links that lead to a person's story of their experience in Vermont. Along with each recording is a portrait of the person. The connecting thread of these oral stories are that the narrators all identify at People of the Global Majority (PGM), more widely known by the acronym BIPOC. These stories are profoundly personal and humbling to listen to.
Read MoreRiver Arts presents two exhibitions Listening Outside the Lines on display in the Folley Hall Gallery and Women and Girls; Paintings by Kathy Black from January 20th till April 9th, 2022. An artist talk and opening reception will be held with limited capacity on Thursday, January 27th from 5:30PM to 7:30PM.
Read MoreWhat defines community? At River Arts, we believe it is the individual's capacity to believe in each other; to create with open hearts and a collective mission in mind- invention, connection, and empowerment. These are the pillars that define our work at River Arts, where we work diligently every day to create opportunities for our community to feel inspired and thrive.
Read MoreBrighten up your day with a bouquet of flowers that gives back in the local community! River Arts has been selected by local Hannaford store leadership as the benefiting non-profit in the brand-new Hannaford Bloomin' 4 Good Program for the month of January!
Read MoreNeed a last-minute gift for someone special? Sign up for a River Arts class this winter. Dedicating time for creativity is a perfect way to begin the new year. Check out all of our winter programs online now!
Read MoreThe sun will set today just after 4, ushering in the darkest days of the year and the official first day of winter. The energy of the season, that of stillness and rest is a sacred invitation for us to turn inward, to take inventory of the past year and ways to cultivate our own light.
Read MoreEarlier this fall, new clay studio member Lorie Woodruff walked into our office with the idea of a cookie decoration workshop. She said she’d love to volunteer to make a workshop happen. And we’re so glad she did!
Read MoreEach Thursday afternoon, I open the door to the Recovery Center, set up my table in the community room, layout my pottery tools, then unwrap a block of clay. The gift I receive from the participants is a reminder; to always have a beginner's mind—a Zen Buddhist practice. With a beginner’s mind, we are in the presence of possibility and not judgment.
Read MoreThe Morrisville Post Office exhibit is up and will be on display through January 15. Stop in and take a look when you mail all those holiday cards you've been meaning to get to!
Read MoreJoin River Arts this Saturday, December 4th for our Artisan Holiday Market! This is a wonderful opportunity to find a unique gift while supporting local artists and River Arts programming. The market will be running from 10am-2pm.
Read MoreThe first stop of the traveling installation opened Friday, November 19th in the Red Mill Gallery at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson. Preview this exhibition which will be coming to River Arts in January 2022!
Read MoreAllen gave tireless of his love of music and the joy of sharing it. Our community is lucky to have had him with us for over 45 years. His beat goes on in our hearts.
Read MoreIn the spirit of Giving Tuesday consider supporting the arts in your community. River Arts is a not-for profit organization and relies on the generosity of individuals like you to continue our programming.
Read MoreIf you haven’t already- be sure to check out the Iphone Exhibit up in the Post Office. This gallery represents works from the Master the iPhone as a Camera, taught by Nan Carle Beauregard.
Read MoreRiver Arts is pleased to announce the beginning of a trail work/study program in our clay studio for teens and community members who can’t afford continued participation in our clay studio. Read on to find out more!
Read MoreAs River Arts works toward an intentional and regular healing arts initiative, we are excite to help promote a free online healing arts group organized by our partner organization, SafeArt. Join a safe virtual space to express yourself and make new connections.
Read MoreJoin us for a covid friendly art reception for our latest exhibition openings. Call and Response features a photography project that look to create connectivity during the pandemic. Tradition/Improvisation showcases the many colors and textures of looking beyond the symmetrical into the experimental in a quilting medium.
Read MoreRight in time for the holidays, River Arts is excited to announce a holiday basket fundraiser to help raise funds for the 2022 programming year. A tickets is only $10, so anyone can help support while also putting their name in the hat for one of these fabulous baskets!
Read MoreJoin us on Facebook to find out when you get to pick a piece of artwork. All time slots are posted for our hybrid fundraising event where everyone wins!
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